Nana' house; there is only one thing that comes to mind when I say those words,. RELAXATION!! Let me explain myself better. I am not saying we go there and dump the babies on Nana and just lay around. There are a few things that make it feel so relaxing.
First, I would have to say the coolness of sitting around outside. Nana has a sitting area on her back porch and around a swing in the yard that is shaded. The temp outside could be 100 degrees and it feel like it is 80 degrees in the shade. It is the nicest 100 degrees I have ever felt. The breeze is always blowing it seems. I guess it takes me back to when I was growing up and sitting in the shade at my own grandmother's.
Second, Nana always has something good to eat. Whenever we call and say we are coming, which we try to go a least once a month, except duck season, she will always ask what we want to eat. My favorite is her broccoli salad. I think I could eat just about every day. I don't think I have ever ate one of her deserts that was bad.
Third, It is the house of dominoes. I mean that in the sense of just about every time we go we play Mexican Train dominoes. It is a game of strategy trying to get rid of your dominoes before the rest of your competition does. Whatever dominoes they have left when you get rid of yours, they have to count them up as points. Whoever has the most points at the end is the loser. Did I mention I love this game?
Fourth, I have never seen a more comfortable couch in the whole world, sitting under one of the most restful fans, and in the coldest room in the whole world.
Last and not least, it is Nana herself. I have been telling Nana for a while now that she needed to put all of her wisdom into a book. It is amazing the home remedies and just general knowledge of things she has. She is a joy to sit around and talk to. I love to listen to stories of her and Papa's family, because one day I hope to pass them along on to our children about their family. One thing I strongly believe in is "if you don't understand where you came from , then you won't understand where your going". One thing about it is, our kids will not say when they get older their parents didn't try to get them to and spend time with their grandparent's. I can't leave out Ann Fleming loves Nana. It seems Ann Fleming reponds best to Nana and her Pi. Here are a few pictures from one of our last visits right before we had the baby.
Two Ann Fleming's
That cool yard I was talking about.
Eating crackers!
Wearing my Nana's hat!