The Leflore Family-est 2/2006

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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting Older!!

Ann Fleming is growing up so fast. Some say time passes by quickly and it does when you have a child, but when you get everyday and every hour with your child it makes it slow down a little. Just to give a update on her, she is: rolling over now and has been for about a month, sitting up when you hold her legs down from going up in the air, she crawled a few steps last wednesday(she is not a professional crawler, just a intermediate crawler), she loves to see, momma, daddy, mamaw and papa leflore, and she loves her pi, she doesn't not love her Pap, she is just still trying to figure him out,she loves her great grandmothers, she loves animals and remote controls(sounds about right since I love computers and her Mom is a Vet.),she loves her jumparoo Aunt Ashley let her borrow, she doesn't like her pacifier very much anymore, she loves babies like Tripp, Ann Carol, and Avery her cousins, she loves bath time,she loves the Ole Miss band, she loves changing clothes(we may be spending a lot of money on clothes one day) and the new one is, she loves looking at herself in the mirror(she gets to laughing and giggling and slapping the mirror). She is the calmest baby in the world. The only time she really ever cries is when she is hungry and then it isn't but a wimper. I hope it continues and here are a few latest pictures:

Ann Fleming listening to the band!

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