The Leflore Family-est 2/2006

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What's my Name?

I know this might make me sound a little crazy, but a few years back I wrote a creed for my life, like a business creed, but for my own daily life goals. One of those goals each day is to spend time listening to others, because everybody is an expert in something and all people have a hobby they enjoy and enjoy talking about. When I say listening, I am not just saying hearing another person. Listening and hearing are quiet different. Listening means making eye contact, giving body language to what they say, and responding after a few seconds of really crunching what they say. So with all that said, learning from others can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. I try to ask lots of questions to people I meet and to people that are close to me. I feel like sometimes I am annoying  people because I question why they do the things they do. I am not questioning them or their standards, but the way they do things or something they like to do and I want to learn about. If their way is better and can make my life better, then I am all for it. Like lately, everybody I meet that has children or has had children I may talk and question them about how they are raising or raised their children. Or I may meet somebody that is successful in business, I would question them on their successes in the business world. The list could go on and on.

So remember one thing from all this mumbo jumbo Rocky' Rule #6, "Everybody is given a gift by God and are a expert in some field or hobby. So spend time listening to others, true listening like I explained above. It is a art and could change your life and or some body's life forever. Lots of lessons can be learned by listening to others. When you turn the spotlight on somebody else talking about about their likes and expertise, the light always shines brighter on you when you walk away. Because everybody loves a good listener. The opposite is true when the conversation is only about you and your likes. You may be known as conceited or selfish."

So all that leads me to my point. I was talking to my brother a while back about parenting and kids. I think my brother is one of the best parents I have ever been around. I asked him how he got his kids to be so social with family members they only see a few times a year. He told me his secret to it all. My brother told me that it wasn't true about his kids seeing family members only a few times a year. I took it in and asked what he meant because I went to the same family functions he went to. He told me his kids see all of our family everyday. Again I took it in and questioned him how because they live in Eupora. There is no way they get around and see all the family every day. He told me his secret, and he said, "one of the favorite books the kids look at every night with me is the family photo album  Mom made for us for Christmas a few years back." He told me, he teaches the kids all the family members faces and names. So they may only physically see the family a few times a year they are not strangers because they actually see them every day and hence they are not afraid of them.

So I started a few months ago with Ann Fleming teaching her, her family. All of that to get to this video. One of the things Ann Fleming and I look at every night is my family photo album, The Leflore Family Blog pictures, and The Buse Family Blog. She gets to see her best friend Trip on The Buse Blog. Watch how excited she gets to see TWIPPP!!:

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