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Monday, November 7, 2011

"I am a Christian and Pro-Life, But....." So WWJD on 26?????

This is a post for friends and even people I don't know that know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. So if you are reading this and don't know Christ and he is not the Lord of your life, I pray that today you will find him and understand his love for all life. I think we need to discuss the religious or moral side of this issue because that is where most of the final attacks by Planned Parenthood have been focused. If we are true followers of Christ we need to discuss WWJD and some of the other tactics being put out there lately by Planned Parenthood.

Over the past few weeks since my last blog post most of the original tactics being used by Planned Parenthood or Ms. For Healthy Families have been tossed aside because they were proven false, but I still see some that believe those things, but they are few. If this were a horse race, this is the final leg and Planned Parenthood is pulling out all the stops to finish strong in this conservative state. What have we seen the past couple of weeks?: The release of medical misinformation about doctors accountability with this new amendment, the use of our Governor's voice without his permission to make phone calls to citizens of the state, the scare tactic of "The law is to vague", and I saved the best for last, "I am a Christian and I am Pro-Life but". Making Christians feel it is OK to vote no in this important vote.

First, I think by now everybody has seen the interview Haley Barbour gave to the news show "The Rundown". I will say I watched it many times and I was concerned about our Governor saying he didn't know how he was gonna vote and that Amendment 26 was vague. Planned Parenthood took the interview and Haley's voice and made many phone calls around the state to voters making it sound like it was directly from the Governor and that he was voting no. By the next day Barbour had already voted yes on Amendment 26 and put a stop to all the calls by Planned Parenthood, but who knows the damage done by the deception of Planned Parenthood. Some of my family even fell prey to the personal phone call from Barbour. They told me "If Barbour was voting this way then they would also". This is the first thing I want you to notice as a Christian. If the no side is on the up and up why would you have to deceive to make people believe your side. Who is the master of deception?

Second, is the medical misinformation being put out by Ms. For Healthy Families about how medical procedures (birth control, In-Vetro fertilization, etc.) and Doctors accountability (ectopic pregnancy procedures, cancer treatments during pregnancy, etc.) will be affected with this new Amendment. I will tell you going into this was one of my biggest concerns. I think I talked about it some in my earlier blog post. If you as a Christian still have concerns about these things here are my two suggested resources about the medical misinformation that is out there. First, a word from one of the most respected OB-GYN's in the state.

Now I can't say I know the hearts of some of the Doctors that have posted on either side of Amendment 26, but for Dr. Webb I do. He is one of the greatest Christian men to share info with you on every aspect of this new amendment and how it will affect the medical community. How do I know him? Dr. Webb is probably one of the most respected OB-GYN's in the state. He is in Tupelo, Ms. I don't know him directly, but I have family and friends that have close dealings with him. I will say it is the first You Tube video I have ever sat through past the first minute, but for the medical misinformation section you can go to around the 24:00 minute mark in the video if that is the only part that is important to you., but I would recommend watching the whole video. Please scan through the video and watch why he says the OB-GYN Association (which he is a member of) and Nursing Association are standing on the "No" side.  He topples every deception out there. There is that word again, deception. Why does the other side have to use it?

The other source is a link to the Ms. Center for Public Policy website. They go into great detail how the new amendment will affect medical procedures and doctors:

Third, "Why is the amendment so vague?" Why don't they just say in the amendment, " Abortion shall be illegal in Mississippi". If this is your reasoning for voting no, you are missing the forest for the trees. I think 99.9% of all Christians would agree abortion is wrong and want it outlawed in the United States. How many unborn children have died by abortion? Right at 54 million unborn children have been murdered. In all the wars combined fought by the USA only 1.4 million have died. What? Is that correct? Yes, those are the right numbers. So we agree abortion is wrong? Right? How do we stand up and do something about it? To see the forest we have to look at Roe Vs. Wade:

First we have to understand Roe V Wade was a court decision in 1973 by the Supreme Court and not a law. Decisions handed down by courts are very different than laws that are written by the Legislative branch. Court decisions can easily be overturned with a law passed by the Legislative branch or by the people in a constitutional amendment. Justice Blackmun in his decision said the court had to rule the way they did because "Personhood" had never been defined by a law on the books anywhere, but if "Personhood" was ever defined by a state or states to include the unborn and when the unborn is a person they would have to change their ruling accordingly. So we sit here today as a state defining "Personhood" in a State Constitutional Amendment by the people because the Legislative branch won't do it for us. You have to understand as a Christian, the forest is the overturning of Roe V Wade by defining a person. That is what we are voting on. If the unborn is a person and has rights. Do the proponents of the "Yes" vote want this to go to the court system? My thoughts are yes. We want it to go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Finally, "I am a Christian and Pro-Life but" excuse that has started in the last few weeks. The first time I read this excuse I thought, what better way of deception could the enemy use than to recruit some of God's own children with this excuse. Let me start this off if you are going to call me judgemental of your decision of or leaning to the"No" side, please stop reading now because the information that follows will also be difficult to understand. I mean do you scream at your Bible, "Your being Judgemental" when any writer of the Bible gave warnings to believers or better yet to your preacher on Sunday mornings who is delivering a message from God specific to you. Am I saying I am as great as the writers of the Holy Bible? No! I am not saying that. So please no "holier than thou" accusations. I am simply taking God's word and placing it out there to help you make or change your decision as a believer according to his word. Maybe it is not my words that are disgusting you, but the Holy Spirit fighting with your flesh to do the right thing. 

So we are all in agreement that the unborn is a person, right? Then let us proceed. First let's talk Jesus for a second. He died on the cross, the ultimate sacrifice, for our sins to give life to the spiritually dead and to establish a bridge to God for us. We all agree with this, right? It was a totally unselfish act by God in human form putting us first. Now if we are a Christians and we agree with earlier statements, answer this question. Which of these is right in the order of our priorities of a Christian life then?

Family and Friends                                              

Family and Friends

Family and Friends

If you agree with the third, you are in agreement with the Bible. When Jesus died the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus and Jesus's concerns were never on his mind. God was the first thing on his mind by glorifying him through his death and then the sacrificing of himself for the human race's sin  were his concerns. It was never about Jesus. It was, but it wasn't. Why do I show you this?  Aren't we a living example of Christ or we are supposed to try to be? Back to the excuse, what is always the word or text character that follows "I am a Christian and Pro-Life but,". It is always the word I. As a Christian our concerns come fourth after God, Family and Friends, and Others we don't know. So if we agree that Me comes last in the order, we have to put God's priorities first and then Family, Friends, and Others. So what does God instruct us to do as his children in this situation if he is number one in our decisions and putting our concerns last. First, we are Christ's church or body here on earth. We are Jesus's voice. So we have know what the word says about abortions and standing up for the unborn:

1. Yet God tells us to: Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say "But we knew nothing of this," does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done? Proverbs 24:11
2. Proverbs 31:8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
3.Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others

Does it sound like God was instructing us to vote "No"? It sounds like an indisputable "Yes" vote to me. In all the "No" concerns it seems to me, Me and my thoughts are coming before God's indisputable evidence of wanting us to vote "Yes". Now God does give us discernment to think things through, but at the end of all that discernment and at the heart of the matter, does our decision match up with God and his word? He is first, right?  We are his voice on earth, right? Our love and service for others are before our voice and concerns, right? Or are our concerns of earthly matters keeping us from matching up with God? If you look at the majority of the doctors that are voting yes on this amendment, they are putting God first in their decision. Because they know at the end of the day they answer to God and his ways are more important than any earthly ways. If you look at the ones that are pushing the "No", a lot of them follow it up with how it will affect them and how difficult it could, could make their lives.

Finally, I hope and pray you make the right decision based on biblical principals. Remember you are Jesus's voice on earth. If you are his follower, how would he vote in your mind, and I think you have the way you should vote. I hope that one day the unborn have the same right to protection and we will value an unborn child the same as a human outside the womb. I will leave you with two last verses and I hope your vote for the unborn will make others around the USA stand up for their protection also.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5

In Psalm 106 God speaks specifically against killing innocent children and babies. He says of His people: They mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. They worshipped their idols which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughter to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan and the land was desecrated by their blood.

I send you all my best wishes and love no matter how you vote,
Rocky Leflore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you know what Dr. WEbb's first name is? I'd love to see him as my OB but there are more than one Dr. WEbb's in Tupelo.