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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Personhood Amendment- Amendment #26

I have been asked numerous time about my opinion of The Personhood Amendment or Amendment 26 about to be voted on in the State of Mississippi. I will say that I had many doubts about the law when I first read about it. I had the same questions that a lot of people having right now. So what did I do?

First, I read the law. What does the law say?  It is a Constitutional amendment that defines when life begins for a human being. First off I really didn't need a lot of help deciding that fact. In my spiritual or biblical opinion, God says that he knew us before we were even in the mother's womb. So life for a Christian believer by God's word begins even before a heart beat. How do you explain that? I don't know. There are a lot of things that God says that I don't understand, but he knew us before we were in the womb and he has great plans for us all.

After reading numerous articles and social media posts about Amendment #26, my concerns boiled down to the propaganda that was being put out. Proponents of the no vote are spending to the tune of millions and millions of dollars putting out scare tactics and spinning anything to do with Amendment 26. What I mean is something was fishy with what the no side was saying and what they were putting out in the media.  Something was different each day to what they were saying. Looking back on it now, it looked like to me they were throwing out different scare tactics to see which ones worked on peoples hearts and minds the best. Then they would get the best ones and run with them. While the yes side was constantly sticking to their guns in everything they said. Their information was  unchanging.  I admit I had some doubts about  the law when I first started reading some of the articles that were coming out. I kind of bought in to what the Ms. For Healthy Families was selling, but something deep down still said something was wrong. So what did I do? I put on my detective hat and read and read and read and made calls to both sides. What did I read? I read both sides of the isle and what both proponents were saying. Who did I call? I called both sides of #26.

I want you to look into the first thing I noticed that stuck out to me. If you look at the material that the no proponents side are using, it contains words such as can and could. If I were a lawyer what do these words mean? There are possibilities of whatever I am talking about happening. Such as:  I could be killed from a herd of stampeding elk while in my yard doing work. Chances are 1 and a trillion, but it could happen. Now look at the other side of the isle. They use words like will and won't. These are very decisive and definitive words.

This was taken from one of the sites I am talking about:

"Amendment 26 could illegalize clinically assisted fertility techniques like in vitro fertilization. The procedure involves implanting zygotes that are fertilized outside of the body back into a woman’s uterus, and many do not survive this process. Since the Personhood Amendment would define each fertilized egg as a person, both the mother and the doctor conducting the procedure would face legal repercussions."

Now from the other side of the isle's site:

"Personhood will not ban in-vetro fertilization. However personhood will not let unused embryos be destroyed."

Now second reason for the doubt: Planned Parenthood and the ACLU  going undercover and working as the Mississippi For Healthy Families that are the proponents of the no vote (please do a search on leaders of the MFHF and then do a search on them). Seemed kinda fishy to me. Why would they do this? Because they know somewhere between 70-80% of US citizens can't stand their organizations and what they stand for and most likely higher in MS. They knew they had to go undercover to get anything accomplished in the state. Because these organizations understand that 80% of the world are dumb and are lazy believers (Will take anything at its word in what they read). That those 80% will not take the time to lift a finger to do any type of investigating into their scare tactics and the way they put spin on facts. These organizations are evil and I don't mean that in a derogatory sense.  I mean the things that they do are evil in the spiritual sense. Please I implore you to do a google search on these two organizations. Compare your belief system to theirs. Is this really the team you want to be on? God tells us that love him to stand on the side of good always. The men that wrote this law are Christian men.  How do I know this? I spoke in depth with the founder and co-author of the law as part of my investigation.

Third and finally I investigated (let me stress my conclusions were taken from documents I have read from each side of the isle and speaking at length with the founder and author of the bill and Ms For Healthy Families' information person. So with each talking point this is not my personal opinion, but the facts given to me.)  each talking point being used by the no proponents:

Birth control will be outlawed- The only one in my investigation that it will outlaw is the RU486, which is a form of abortion.

Mother's will die because of a pregnancy that has gone bad- No in each case according to the law the doctor will make every attempt to save both, but if not the woman's life will be the focus after that point. (Already a MS. Law)

Women that have miscarriages could be prosecuted- I have thoroughly searched and found that no woman that was ever prosecuted before Roe vs. Wade. It will  not happen.

In-Vetro Fertilization will be illegal- Totally false! Only the disposing of embryos will be outlawed. I dug a little deeper into this one. I found out there is a program called the snowflake program and many others that will take any unused embryos instead of throwing them in a waste container.

I will say I had many doubts as some of you when this all starting coming out because of what I was reading. I don't care which side of the isle you are on. Whether you are Pro-Choice or Pro-life or Pro-26 or Against 26, at the end of the day,  I will love you just the same.The only thing that I ask is you do your own investigation and not rely on facebook post, break room gossip, e-mail, this blog even, or an editorial or article in your paper. You will find the facts if you spend the time looking, calling, reading, and you will know which way to vote. This is an important issue not only for our state, but for future states throughout the USA on abortion related issues. God Bless and thanks for taking the time to read.